Source code for SPARQLWrapper.SPARQLExceptions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

SPARQL Wrapper exceptions

  Developers involved:

  * Ivan Herman <>
  * Sergio Fernández <>
  * Carlos Tejo Alonso <>
  * Alexey Zakhlestin <>

  Organizations involved:

  * `World Wide Web Consortium <>`_
  * `Foundation CTIC <>`_

  :license: `W3C® Software notice and license <>`_


from typing import Optional

[docs]class SPARQLWrapperException(Exception): """ Base class for SPARQL Wrapper exceptions """ msg = "an exception has occurred"
[docs] def __init__(self, response: Optional[bytes] = None): """ :param string response: The server response """ if response: formatted_msg = "%s: %s. \n\nResponse:\n%r" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.msg, response, ) else: formatted_msg = "%s: %s." % (self.__class__.__name__, self.msg) super(SPARQLWrapperException, self).__init__(formatted_msg)
[docs]class EndPointInternalError(SPARQLWrapperException): """ Exception type for Internal Server Error responses. Usually HTTP response status code ``500``. """ msg = "The endpoint returned the HTTP status code 500"
[docs]class QueryBadFormed(SPARQLWrapperException): """ Query Bad Formed exception. Usually HTTP response status code ``400``. """ msg = "A bad request has been sent to the endpoint: probably the SPARQL query is badly formed"
[docs]class EndPointNotFound(SPARQLWrapperException): """ End Point Not Found exception. Usually HTTP response status code ``404``. """ msg = "It was not possible to connect to the given endpoint: check it is correct"
[docs]class Unauthorized(SPARQLWrapperException): """ Access is denied due to invalid credentials (unauthorized). Usually HTTP response status code ``401``. .. versionadded:: 1.8.2 """ msg = "Access to that endpoint is denied due to invalid credentials (unauthorized). Check the credentials"
[docs]class URITooLong(SPARQLWrapperException): """ The URI requested by the client is longer than the server is willing to interpret. Usually HTTP response status code ``414``. .. versionadded:: 1.8.3 """ msg = ( "The URI requested by the client is longer than the server is willing to interpret. " "Check if the request was sent using GET method instead of POST method." )